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Psychedelics, Beatnicks, übrig gebliebene Hippies, Paisley People und viele andere werden zu Pfingsten nach Hannover zum Swamp Room Happening pilgern. Einen sehr ausführlichen Blick auf die beteiligten Bands findet ihr...
Dass Strapping Young Lad-Kopf Devin Townsend etwas verrückt ist, kann man hier sehen, oder dort... ...lesen.
Reinhard Mey bewegt sich nicht immer "über den Wolken. Wer sich couragiert mit den Zuständen in Guantánamo Bay befasst, beweist Zivilcourage.
5 Millionen CDs hat Deana Carter bis heute verkauft. Die nächsten Millionen erscheinen bei einem neuen Label. Mehr...
Wer gerne mal Teil der Kulisse für eine Musik-DVD sein möchte, sollte sich Ende Mai bei den Special Guests in Berlin einfinden.
Shine ist weiß Gott nicht sein erstes Album. "Aber dieses ist das Album, das ich immer machen wollte," sagt Stan Bush. Mehr...
19 Alben hat die Krautrock-Ikone Popol Vuh im Laufe ihrer Karriere eingespielt. Jetzt beginnt SPV damit, den kompletten Backkatalog neu zu veröffentlichen.
Bekannt wurden die Männer mit den blauen Köpfen durch einen Intel-Werbespott. Mittlerweile wirbt die Blue Man Group in der Hauptstadt auf Hunderten von Plakaten für sich selber. Mehr...
Obwohl sie auf ihrer neuen Scheibe auch den US-Kriegs-Präsidenten kritisieren, verzichten die Beastie Boys natürlich nicht auf jede Menge Partymucke.
15 Jahre nach dem Start soll es wieder ein Boysvoice-Album in der Urbesetzung geben. Mehr...
Was IQ am 16. Mai genau vorhaben, verrät uns keiner, aber ein normales Konzert soll es nicht sein.
42 Hits compiliert Kenny Rogers für sein neues Best of-Album. 50% davon haben es ihrer Zeit sogar bis auf die Poleposition geschafft. Mehr...
Bei uns noch relativ unbekannt, aber in den USA räumen die Christenmenschen von MercyMe Gold, Platin und Dauerrotationen ab.
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Releases der nächsten Wochen


- Jackson Browne - "Running on Empty" DVD-Audio (Warner Vision)
- Jackson Browne - "The Naked ride home" DVD-Audio (Warner Vision)

Mai 2004

- Arjen Lucassen's Ayreon - "The Human Equation" (Insideout/SPV)
- Blind Boys of Alabama - "tba" DVD (Eagle Vision)
- Fünf Sterne Deluxe - "tba."
- The (International) Noise Conspiracy - "tba" (Burning Heart)
- MercyMe - "Undone" (Asaph)
- Over the Edge (Frontiers/ Soulfood)
- Willie Nelson - "Live In Amsterdam" (Corazong / Soulfood)
- Paul Rodgers - "Muddy Waters Blues" (Eagle / Edel)
- Seal - "Live at the Point (Dublin)" (Warner Vision)
- Supergrass - "Kiss of Life" Single (Capitol / EMI)
- Natasha Thomas - "tba" (Epic Domestic / Sony)
- White Skull - "The XIIIth Skull" (Frontiers/ Soulfood)

3. 5. 2004

- Ana - "Cuz I can" (Epic Domestic / Sony)
- Marillion - "Marbles" (Intact/ Edel)
- Reinhard Mey - "Nanga Parbat" (EMI)
- Popol Vuh - "Affenstunde" (SPV)
- Popol Vuh - "Aguirre" (SPV)
- Popol Vuh - "Einsjäger & Siebenjäger" (SPV)
- Popol Vuh - "Shepherd´s Symphony - Hirtensymphonie" (SPV)
- Das Präparat - "Tanz mit Deinem Gefühl" (CDS) (Synthetic Symphony / SPV)
- Rival - "State of Mind" (Metal Blade)
- Scorpions - "Unbreakable" (BMG)
- Tiles - "Window Dressing" (InsideOut / SPV)
- Toc - "Loss Angeles" (Insideout/SPV)
- Vision divine - "Stream of Consciousness" (Metal Blade)

5. 5. 2004

- Boomkat - "Boomkatalog One"

10. 5. 2004

- Black Label Society - "Hangover Music Volume 6" (Eagel/Edel)
- Freedom Call - "Live Invasion" DOCD (Steamhammer/ SPV)
- Lyzanxia - "Mindcrimes" (Reality Entertainment / Sony)
- Jean Paul Rena & Terrawheel - "Introducing..." (Corazong/ Soulfood)
- Spider Murphy Gang - "25 Jahre Rock'n'Roll" (2 DVD) (SPV)
- Travis Tritt - "The Girl's gone wild" Single

17. 5. 2004

- Armored Saint - "Lessons NOT well learned" (DVD)(Metal Blade)
- Ash - "Meltdown"
- Beyond the Embrace - "Insect Song" (Metal Blade)
- The Delays - "Faded Seaside Glamour"
- Mob rules - "Among The Gods" (Steamhammer/ SPV) auch als ltd. DOCD
- My darkest Hate - "At War" (Massacre)
- The Quireboys - "Well Oiled" (Steamhammer / SPV)
- Gene Simmons - "Asshole"
- Cat Stevens - "Majicat" DVD (Eagle Vision)

24. 5. 2004

- Altaria - "Divinity" auch als ltd. Digi-Pack (Metal Heaven / Soulfood)
- Ilene Barnes - "Time" (SPV)
- Dark Tranquillity - "Exposures - In Retrospect and Denial" DOCD (Century Media)
- Dream evil - "The Book of Heavy Metal" (Century Media)
- Everlast - "White Trash Beautiful"
- Euroboys - "Crystal Canyon"
- Exodus - "Another Lesson in Violence" Re-Issue (Century Media)
- Faze Action - "Broad Souls" (Bar de Lune / Rough Trade)
- Force of Evil - "Evil comes...alive" (Escapi New Media / Alive)
- Genius - "Ep. II - In Search of the little Prince" (Frontiers/ Soulfood)
- Hall & Oates - "Live In Concert" (DVD + Audio-Live-CD) (SPV)
- Maria Jimenez - "Donde Mas Duele (Canta Por Sabina)" (Corazong/Soulfood)
- Karmakanic - "Wheel of Live" (Regain/ Soulfood)
- Daniele Liverani - "Daily Trauma" (Frontiers/ Soulfood)
- Moonlyght - "Progressive Darkness" (Escapi New Media)
- Relevant Few - "The Art of Today" (Century Media)
- Skinlab - "Nerve Damage" (Century Media)
- Skinny Puppy - "The Greater Wrong of the Right" (SPV)
- Die Sterne - "Das Weltall ist zu weit"
- Teye - "FlamenObsessionArte" (Corazong/Soulfood)
- Unholy Ghost - "Torrential Reign" (Century Media)

28. Mai 2004

- Foreigner - "25:All Access tonight" DVD (Eagle Vision)
- John Lee Hooker - "Jack O´Diamonds 1949 Recordings" (Eagle/Edel)

Frühjahr 2004

- Atreyu - "The Curse"

Juni 2004

- Jocco Abendroth - "Havana" (Reality / Sony)
- ... and you will know us by the Trail of Dead - "tba."
- Bad Religion - "tba."
- The beautiful Mistake - "tba."
- Biohazard - "tba."
- Clinic - "Winchester Cathedral"
- The Crash - "Melodrama"
- Danzig - "tba" (Regain/ Soulfood)
- The Hives - "tba."
- Glenn Hughes - "Live in Los Angeles" (Frontiers/ Soulfood)
- Idlewild - "tba."
- Icara Colt - "tba."
- Kid Rock - "dto."
- Killswitch Engage - "tba."
- Leftöver Crack - "tba."
- Manic Street Preachers - "tba."
- Nine Inch Nails - "Bleedthrough"
- Orange Goblin - "Thieving from the House of God"
- Supergrass - "Supergrass is 10: The Best of 94-04 (Capitol / EMI)
- Supergrass - "Supergrass is 10: The Best of 94-04 Do-DVD (Capitol / EMI)
- Ten - "tba." (Frontiers/ Soulfood)

1. Juni 2004

- Ancient - "Night Visit" (Metal Blade)
- Sebastian Bach - "Forever Wild" DVD (Eagle Vision)
- Incapacity - "9th Order Extinct" (Metal Blade)
- Procol Harum - "Live at the Union Chapel" DVD (Eagle Vision)
- Kenny Rogers "42 Ultimate Hits"
- Ed Sullivan Classics - "Chart Toppers ´65/´66/´67" DVD (Eagle Vision)
- Ed Sullivan Classics - "Elvis Presley and other Rock Greats" DVD (Eagle Vision)
- Ed Sullivan Classics - "Rockin´The Sixties" DVD (Eagle Vision)
- Ed Sullivan Classics - "The Soul of Motor City" DVD (Eagle Vision)
- V. A.: - "Brazilectro 6" (Audiopharm/ SPV)

3. Juni 2004

- Diesel - "Hear" (Kick Music)
- Ludox - "Is this for real?" (Kick Music)

7. Juni 2004

- Barbara Dickson - "tba" DVD (Eagle Vision)
- Frontline Assembly - "Vanished" (CDS) (Synthetic Symphony / SPV)
- V. A.: - "Brazilectro 6" (DVD + Audio CD) (Audiopharm/ SPV)

14. Juni 2004

- Ash "Tokyo Blitz, Live at The Akasaka, 2001" (Warner Vision)
- Cattle Decapitation - "Humanure" (Metal Blade)
- Jules Holland - "Later - Cool Britania" DVD (Warner Vision)
- House of Mirrors - "Nightflight to Paradise" (Escapi Music / Sony)
- Marcy Playground - "MP3" (Reality/Sony)
- John Mayall - "The Godfather of British Blues" DVD (Eagle Vision)
- Maria Rita - "Maria Rita" DVD (Warner Vision)
- Linda Ronstadt - "Canciones de mi Padre" DVD (Warner Vision)
- Neil Young & Crazy Horses - "RE.AC.TOR" DVD-Audio (Warner Vision)
- Neil Young - "American Stars´n Bars" DVD-Audio (Warner Vision)
- Neil Young - "On the Beach" DVD-Audio (Warner Vision)
- Neil Young - "Hawks and Doves" DVD-Audio (Warner Vision)

21. Juni 2004

- Carnal Forge - "Aren´t you dead yet?" (Century Media)
- Fixmer/ McCarthy - "Between the Devil" (Synthetic Symphony / SPV)
- Iron Savior - "Battering Ram" (Noise / Sanctuary)
- John Lee Hooker - "Come and see about me - The Defenitive DVD" (Eagle Vision)
- Matchbox Twenty - "A Night in the Life of Matchbox Twenty" 2 DVD Set (Coming Home Studios/ Soulfood)
- Ministry - "Houses of the Molè" (Mayan Records / Sanctuary)
- Motörhead - "Inferno" (CD + DVD) auch als ltd. Edition (Steamhammer / SPV)
- Red hot Chili Peppers - "Greatest Hits" DVD (Warner Vision)
- Busta Rhymes - "Live In Concert" DVD (Eagle Vision)
- UB 40 - "Home grown In Holland - Live" DVD (Warner Vision)

23. Juni 2004

- Stan Bush - "Shine" (Frontiers / Soulfood)
- Millenium - "Best of" (Frontiers / Soulfood)

- Voodoo Hill - "Wild Seed of Mother Earth" (Frontiers / Soulfood)

28. Juni 2004

- Devo - "The complete Truth about De-Evolution" + Devo - "Live" (DO-DVD) (Warner Vision)
- Frontline - "The seventh Sign" (AOR Heaven / Soulfood)
- Rhapsody - "The dark Secret" Mini-CD (auch als Premium-Edt plus DVD) (Steamhammer / SPV)
- Toronto rocks DVD (Warner Vision)

Juli 2004

- Grand Illusion - "tba" (Escape Music / Sony)
- Hate Squad - "H8 for the Masses" (Swell Creek / Soulfood)
- Howling Syn - "tba" (Escapi New Media / Alive)
- Speedy Gonzales - "tba" (AOR Heaven / Soulfood)
- Statetrooper - "The Calling" (Communiqué Records / Sony)

26. Juil 2004

- Metal Church - "Weight Of The World" (Steamhammer / SPV)

August 2004

- Miles Davis - "Electric - A different Kind of Blue" DVD (Eagle Vision)
- Alan Parsons - "tba" (Eagle Vision)
- Boz Scaggs - "tba" DVD (Coming Home Studios / Soulfood)

30. August 2004

- Blue Man Group - "The Complex Rock Tour Live" DVD (Warner Vision)
- Magnum - "Brand New Morning" (Steamhammer / SPV)
- V.A. - "Smoke out 2003" DVD (Eagle Vision)

September 2004

- Chris Caffery - "Faces" (Black Lotus / Soulfood)
- Can - "Ege Bamyasi" Re-Release (Spoon Records / Mute / WSMI)
- Can - "Monster Movie" Re-Release (Spoon Records / Mute / WSMI)
- Can - "Soundtracks" Re-Release (Spoon Records / Mute / WSMI)
- Can - "Tago Mago" Re-Release (Spoon Records / Mute / WSMI)
- The Doors - "Live In Europe DTS Version" DVD (Eagle Vision)
- Godsmack - "tba" DVD (Coming Home Studios / Soulfood)
- R. E. M. - "Green" DVD-Audio (Warner Vision)
- R. E. M. - "New Adventures" DVD-Audio (Warner Vision)
- R. E. M. - "Monster" DVD-Audio (Warner Vision)
- R. E. M. - "Up" DVD-Audio (Warner Vision)
- R. E. M. - "Out Of Time" DVD-Audio (Warner Vision)
- Saxon - "tba" (SPV)
- Katja Werker - "When I speak" (SPV)
- V.A.: MTV unplugged - "Live Performances" DVD (Warner Vision)