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Matt LaPorte (Jon Oliva's Pain) überraschend verstorben

Mit Bedauern erreichte uns die Nachricht, dass überraschend Jon Oliva's langjähriger Gitarrist Matt LaPorte am 20. April verstorben ist. Die genaue Todesursache ist derzeit noch unklar. Mit ihm verliert die Metalwelt wieder ein außergewöhnliches und charismatisches Talent. Niemand füllte bisher die Fußstapfen von Criss Oliva (Savatage) so gut aus wie er.

Hier ein paar Origianlworte seines Bandchefs Jon Oliva:
"Matt was a brilliant guitar player on all levels. He understood that instrument better than almost anyone. His knowledge of music in general was just amazing. His contributions to Jon Oliva's Pain and every band he ever played with was also without measure. He was truly a one-guitar army when he needed to be and his solo performances will forever send chills down our spines. A near-20-year history and friendship with one of the true greats has now ended and we are deeply saddened.
Criss Oliva was without a doubt his most profound influence, and anyone who saw him play Savatage songs knew that Criss was channeling his talents via Matt. He was the professionals' professional when it came to his guitar skills, and the loss of such a talent will be forever felt.
Matt was a gentle soul, and would avoid conflict at all costs. He got along with everyone and greeted all with a smile on his face. There was a shyness and almost embarrassment felt by him from the adoration of his fans around the world...and he had many. He was humbled by the love and respect music fans gave to him, but in a quiet way, that made him work just a little bit harder. His had a hilarious, twisted and often sarcastic sense of humor that was unique to him. A very funny man, indeed."

Rest in peace Matt!
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